Festival start: 01 October 2020
Festival end: 31 October 2020
European Short Films Festival, all genres (2.800 € on Awards)
Cash Prizes: 2,800€
JURY AWARD for Best Short Film, endowed with 1,200 euros
AUDIENCE AWARD for best short film, 500 euros
AWARD CASTILLA LA MANCHA, consisting of 500 euros for the best short film made in Castilla La Mancha, whether as creator, producer or whose theme seen on customs and traditions of La Mancha. (It must be specified that this prize is chosen, without prejudice of opting for other)
DOCUMENTAL AWARD for best short documentary endowed with 300 euros
ANIMATION AWARD, for Best Animated Short Film 300 Euros
AWARD HONORIFIC MENTION EUROPE, to the best short film of an European Union country , apart from Spain
To these amounts are covered by the corresponding withholding taxes required by law.
Ciudad de Consuegra 2020
The City Hall of Consuegra, consistent with the critical situation of culture, and in particular the world of cinema, has decided to redouble efforts and continue supporting for another year for the Short Film Festival, aware of the importance of audiovisual media in Spanish society today, and trying to make them both a media and education, reason why it will celebrate between the months of September and October 2020 the VII International Short Film Festival "Ciudad de Consuegra".
The Festival consists of a section: short film competition.
1. Participation in the short film competition is open to all the filmmakers over 16 years, both individually and collectively, provided that their nationality or residence is within the European Union. Each participant may submit more than one job.
2. The films must be later than 1 January 2019
3. The theme of the films is free and fiction, animation and documentaries will be accepted.
4. The length of the shorts may not exceed 30 minutes.
5. Movies can be silent or incorporated sound, still valid any of the official languages in the European Union; if not are in Spanish, they must have subtitles in Spanish.
6. For the selection of short films, regardless of their original format, they may be presented in the following ways:
6.1. By postal mail, to the address:
Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Consuegra
International Short Film Festival 2020
Plaza de España, nº 1. C.P. 45700 Consuegra (Toledo) ESPAÑA
For this modality, the required works must be presented on DVD and it will be mandatory to attach the registration form. Otherwise, the short film will be directly disqualified. In all shipments, the data of the author / s, a photocopy of the DNI, ID Card or similar will be clearly stated; technical sheet, filmography of the author, the cover and brief synopsis of it.
Registration forms and other documents may also be submitted by email: consuegraencorto@aytoconsuegra.es
6.2. They may also be submitted to the contest via the following specialized platform in the world of cinema: festhome.com
For works submitted through the platform will be valid record of such platforms provided they are compiled at least the same data as the tab of the festival.
6.3. They may also be sent via email consuegraencorto@aytoconsuegra.es, indicating the procedure to view or download your work. It will be mandatory to attach the registration form.
Shipping costs of the work by any of the means chosen, be borne by the participant.
7. All the works object of the contest will have a reception deadline of 00:00 hours on August 27, 2020. The Festival organization reserves the right to close the delivery of material through the mentioned platforms, being the quota for guidance of 400 works presented in total
8. The organization will make a prior selection, which will be notified to its authors. The selected short films will share the projection during the Exhibition, forming part of the official program of the Competition. For their projection they can send a copy on DVD or digital file. In addition, they will provide information dossiers in order to use it to promote work.
9. The prizes are as follows:
JURY AWARD for Best Short Film, endowed with 1,200 euros
AUDIENCE AWARD for best short film, 500 euros
AWARD CASTILLA LA MANCHA, consisting of 500 euros for the best short film made in Castilla La Mancha, whether as creator, producer or whose theme seen on customs and traditions of La Mancha. (It must be specified that this prize is chosen, without prejudice of opting for other).
DOCUMENTAL AWARD for best short documentary endowed with 300 euros
ANIMATION AWARD, for Best Animated Short Film 300 Euros
EUROPE HONORIFIC MENTION AWARD, to the best short film of an European Union country, apart from Spain
To these amounts are covered by the corresponding withholding taxes required by law.
10. The jury will be composed of a group of people who decide the City Hall of Consuegra; the verdict is final, the jury can declare void any prize or modify award amounts.
11. The awards will be presented at the Closing Ceremony Film Festival, the date of which will be announced in due course to the winners. At the award ceremony, the winner shall be present or his/her representative, and a video thanking the festival.
The festival shall not bear the expenses incurred for attendance at the awards ceremony.
12. Contestants will be responsible for the works presented are not subject to any legal claim.
Organizers assume people registering works hold the rights for exhibition of the works they register in the festival, as well as authorization to receive the prize. In any case, organizers waive to the responsibility that may be derived from breach of this term.
13. Participation in the festival assumes partial sharing of the film (no complete movie) on the official web, networks and Internet channels of the festival for spreading such, always mentioning their creators.
14. The organization reserves the right to modify any point of these rules if circumstances require; It would be made public.
15. Due to the exceptional sanitary situation, if the circumstances do not allow for the sessions to be held in the theatre, the on-line sessions will be chosen, guaranteeing the authors' rights and public access.
16. Copies will be part of the Audiovisual Fund City Hall of Consuegra (Toledo) who reserves the right to reproduce, for use in cultural, educational and training activities, nonprofit. These uses will always be informed.
17. Participation in this competition implies acceptance of its rules.