Festival start: 21 October 2022
Festival end: 30 October 2022
Festigol® is an independent non-competitive Football Film and Documentaries Festival held in Santiago of Chile since 2016. It aims to create a space where football is shown as a creator of stories beyond the pitch demanding it as a social and cultural phenomenon in Chile as well as in the whole world. We see football as a constructor of identities mobilizing our society’s affections, narratives and memories. We are seeking to be a means of appropriation and revaluation of the football-related cultural manifestations.
Besides the exhibition of films, we seek to bring together different audiences creating a meeting place for different football-related cultural expressions allowing us to develop emerging issues connected to this sport and to our society being today the single space offering movie showtimes related to the sport as a social manifestation in our country.
For its fifth version, Festigol® will be held from October 21 to 30, 2022 in Santiago de Chile with face-to-face exhibitions and through the festival's digital platform.
A non-competitive call will be issued for the exhibition of documentaries, short films, animations and feature films in order to promote and bring together the film production about football and related topics.
Not competitive
Registrations are open until September Tuesday 20, 2022 and any audiovisual work of any nationality with football or related topics as main theme, irrespective of their year of creation, may be registered. There is no limit of productions per producer and registrations will be free of charge. The works must be completed at the time of their registration.
When registering a film, the participant authorizes its exhibition, online and on-site, with no limit of screenings in the context of the festival 2022, renouncing any economic retribution for this concept. The holder of the work will preserve its rights, and if the festival decides to schedule new exhibitions in the future, the holder will be notified in advance. The registration form will be considered a sworn statement.
Registrations will be made through the mandatory sending of the signed form of registration and authorization of exhibition rights to Nicolás Aguilera Uribe’s email, Director of Festigol®, naguilera@festigol.cl.
A private link with password and activated download option (Vimeo or Youtube) must be sent. The minimum resolution recommended for the optimum film reproduction in a cinema room is 1920 x 1080 (FHD), H.264, extension .mp4 or .mov. and transfer rate of 10,000 kbps.
The works created in a language other than Spanish are obliged to be sent with a copy subtitled in Spanish.
Those responsible shall include support graphic material as presentation of the work, trailer, poster and stills to be used as broadcast material before and during the festival.
The works received will be subjected to a selection process with a committee of curators comprised of the festival’s programming and organizing team which will communicate the result in due time, and the official selection will be publicly announced.
The works registered and selected are automatically authorized as part of the whole Festigol® ‘s programming and may be used in additional exhibitions or exhibitions that are parallel to the festival in order to boost the event’s promotion and broadcast.
Festigol® is no liable for the issues related to copyright, right to use the voice, the image, soundtrack, classification or location of the subscribed works’ content.
The participants automatically transfer to Festigol® the rights of broadcasting the selected works’ extracts, non-profit, for broadcasting the event’s programming as well as for graphic materials, promotion or broadcast.
The registration procedures for selecting short films, animations and feature films are linked to the participant assuming the full acceptance of theses bases.
Festigol® is organized and represented by Marcelo Nicolás Aguilera Uribe, ID: 13.957.426-5, the Director, and Daniel Ricardo Andrés López Pelissier, ID: 9.991.306-1, the Producer.
The organization shall not transfer any work which has been postulated or selected to third parties without the consent of the author or representative.
The organization reserves the right to modify, suspend or change the festival’s dates and program.
The organization commits to respect and protect the selected works’ intellectual property rights and material sent by the creators.