Festival start: 13 October 2017
Festival end: 13 November 2017
International documentary, short film and animation festival which will be held entirely online on the Video on Demand web portal FEELMAKERS.COM
Cash Prizes: 150€
The films selected for Feelfest shall receive payment of 150 €, to be made to the producer of the film or to the person or entity owning its exploitation rights.
FeelFest.com, international documentary, short film and animation festival is organized by the company CONTENT LINE S.L. and will be held entirely online on the Video on Demand web portal FEELMAKERS.COM from October 13 to November 13, 2017.
Feelmakers.com is announcing these awards for the purpose of developing, promoting and spreading the following content:
.- Fiction short films
.- Short and feature-length animation films.
.- Short and feature-length documentary films.
3.- International Competition.
Any producer and/or filmmaker, individual person or legal entity who owns the rights to the films being submitted may participate in the following categories. International Competition categories:
.- Fiction short films: for fiction short films dealing with any subject matter and whose run-time is less than 45 minutes.
.- Animation films: for feature-length and short films made using any animation technique, with no limit on run-time.
.- Documentary films: for non-fiction feature-length and short films, with no limit on run-time.
4.- General requirements for submitting films.
-Only films produced after January 1, 2015 shall be admitted.
Each filmmaker or producer shall register their film in a single section and category in the festival. Likewise, as many films as desired may be submitted. All the films submitted shall be in their original language. Films whose original language is not English must be subtitled into English (preferentially as a clean print + SRT subtitle file, though burned-in subtitles shall also be admitted for the selection process).
Films previously submitted to any Feelfest edition won’t be admitted.
5.- Registration. Deadlines and documentation to be submitted.
Registration shall be carried out ONLINE through the web portal Festhome.com by duly filling in the registration form and attaching the following documentation in the relevant sections:
Photograph of the film
Photograph of the director
Dialogue list in English
The registration deadline is July 1, 2017 (GMT+2).
The films submitted for competition may be included in some of the competitive sections indicated in Section 3.
The Feelfest selection committee shall view and assess all the films received for the purpose of selecting the ones to participate in each of the Festival's different sections.
The list of films selected shall be announced during the month of October. All films in the finals shall be made available to the public on the Feelmakers.com web portal from October 13 through November 13, 2017, GMT-9 time zone.
6.1.-Payment for being selected.
The films selected for Feelfest shall receive payment of 150 €, to be made to the producer of the film or to the person or entity owning its exploitation rights.
Once the selection has been posted on Feelmakers.com, a jury made up of professionals and experts in audiovisual media shall award the following:
-International competition.
Best Fiction Short Film
Best Animation Film
Best Documentary Film.
Best Film out of all categories, to be given by Feelmakers team
Audience Award for best film, to be given by Feelmakers audience.
The awards may not be declared void or ex aequo.
All awards shall include a diploma, a free annual subscription to Feelmakers.com.
8.- The Festival's online program.
The festival's programming team shall post the selected films from each category on Feelmakers.com on October 13. This content shall be made available to the public until November 13, GMT-9 time.
The competition winners shall be announced on November 14. The winning films shall continue to be published online on the web portal until November 30, 2017.
Once the festival is finished, all the films selected for the festival shall go on to make up part of the Feelmakers.com catalogue, provided the film's owner so desires.
9.- Personal data.
Participants agree that personal data provided for this competition may be processed in a file of personal data owned by Content line S.L., to be called "Participantes en concursos" ("Participants in competitions"), and will be released on the website and in the Festival documentation.
The owners of the data shall have the right to access the automated files at any time, and may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and objection, as stated in the terms of data protection legislation. To do so, a letter signed by the owner of the information must be sent to the offices of Content line S.L., located at C/ Concha Espina 65. 2º 28016 Madrid, indicating the address of the owner, and attaching a copy of the owner’s identification document, in order for confirmation of the action to be sent in accordance with the request.
10.- Acceptance of the conditions of the call for entries
Registration to the Festival implies granting to Feelmakers, should the film be selected, the film rights for TVOD (Transaction Video on Demand) and SVOD (Subscription Video on Demand) worldwide and for the time period between October 13 to November 13, 2017. Likewise, the producers whose films win the competition agree for films to be published on Feelmakers until November 30, 2017.
The participants acknowledge and accept that, upon selection, their films shall be exhibited on the Video on Demand platform Feelmakers.com from October 13 to November 13, 2017, and through to November 30, of the same year should they win any of the Festival awards.
Selected competing films shall not be online for free (Free VoD) for the time period between October 13 to November 30, 2017.
The participants shall not receive any monetary payment apart from the amount paid for being selected indicated in clause 6.1.
The participants authorize the Festival management to use extracts from the films to be disseminated via any means of communication for the purpose of promoting the Festival. Likewise, the Festival may use photographs from the films and of the directors in the press and other means of communication, as well as for the production of the Festival catalogue.
Any other use or further availability shall require prior authorization from the owners of the rights that wish to be acquired.
Participation in this call to entries implies acceptance of all the terms and conditions on the part of the candidates.
Fiction (only Short Films)
Short Films 45'<
No Fee
Submissions deadline
01 Jul 17
Save up
Fiction short films dealing with any subject matter and whose run-time is less than 45 minutes.
Animation films
Short and Feature Films
No Fee
Submissions deadline
01 Jul 17
Save up
For feature-length and short films made using any animation technique, with no limit on run-time.
Documentary films
Short and Feature Films
No Fee
Submissions deadline
01 Jul 17
Save up
For documentary feature-length and short films, with no limit on run-time.