Festival Start: 25 August 2023
Festival Ende: 25 September 2023
Starting for its 5th edition, Curta Caicó has been contributing to the formation of audiovisual audiences, professional qualification through the realization of cinema workshops and stimulating the creative economy in the audiovisual segment.
Curta Caicó is a production of Reference Comunicação, an advertising and cultural production agency that has been operating in the market for ten years.
Competitive Shows (Certificates)
Specialized Criticism Award granted by ACCIRN - Rio Grande do Norte Film Critics Association
Curta Caicó is an audiovisual festival held by Referência Comunicação, an advertising and cultural production agency based in Caicó (RN). In addition to film screenings, the festival will hold training workshops, debates and awards.
The event will be held in a hybrid format, on a date yet to be defined by the festival's organization. The shows will be shown through the Curta Caicó streaming platform and/or in-person shows, carried out according to the sanitary conditions of the event period, respecting municipal, state decrees and the protocols of the WHO - World Health Organization.
For more information, access our communication channels:
1.1. They are able to participate in the 6th Core Caicó films, without a rule of gender, made by Brazilians or foreign residents in the country, which have been with up to duration;
1.2 . Registration is free, exclusively, in an online environment, during the period The registration form is available at curtacaico.com.br;
1.3. The Director may submit as many films as he/she wants, as long as they meet the criteria of this regulation;
1.4. In this edition, there will be a: Videos of up to ten (10) minutes completed from January 2021 will be accepted;
1.5. The person responsible for the film must inform at the time of registration, in the appropriate and available field, a link to the complete viewing of the film, on Vimeo, Youtube or Google Drive, and also the access password, when applicable;
1.6. Applications with file transfer links such as WeTransfer, Dropbox, SendSpace, or any other data allocation tool that has an expiration date on the generated link will not be accepted;
1.7. The links must remain active throughout the curation period. The festival organization is not responsible for validating films with invalid links or passwords that cannot be accessed by the curators;
1.8. The data provided through the registration form will be used in the event's publicity material, if the film is one of the selected ones;
1.9. The selected productions will be shown according to the schedule prepared by the festival organization;
2.1. The films will be selected by the organization of the 5th Curta Caicó, which will be able to invite specialists who are not part of the festival team to participate in the curation process, with an irreversible and irrevocable result. The Festival will inform, by e-mail, the directors of the productions that have been qualified for the shows;
2.2. The shows will be shown on a streaming platform during the 5th Curta Caicó, on a date to be defined and/or in face-to-face sessions, if there is sanitary and/or financial feasibility for them to take place;
2.3. The submitted films will be distributed in the following exhibitions. In each of them, the BEST FILM will be chosen by the Technical Jury and the Popular Vote (Web):
free-themed films produced in any region of the country
free-themed films produced in any state in the Northeast region
free-themed films produced in any municipality in Rio Grande do Norte
free-themed films produced in the Seridó region of Rio Grande do Norte
science fiction, futuristic, horror or thriller films
films of diversity of gender, sexuality, race or ethnicity
children's themed films
films produced in university undergraduate courses
videos or reports for TV and/or Web produced in RN with a focus on tourism and/or culture;
2.4. The selected films will be published on the website curtacaico.com.br and on the festival's social media, @curtacaico on a date to be informed later;
2.5. In addition to the exhibitions mentioned above, the Festival may create SPECIAL SESSIONS according to the opinion of the Curators and the organization of the event;
2.6. Once registered and selected, the films can no longer be removed from the schedule;
3.1. The prizes for the exhibitions will be awarded by a Jury composed of members of recognized experience who will establish the criteria for work together with the festival's management;
3.2. There will be an award (certificate) for BEST FILM in all categories of the festival. There will also be an award (certificate) for the BEST FILM of the POPULAR JURY, in all categories, through a vote of internet users on the Curta Caicó streaming platform.
3.3. The Jury may also award prizes or honorable mentions in other technical categories such as Direction, Screenplay, Photography, Editing, Acting, Soundtrack, Sound, etc.
3.4. Special awards may be granted by partners and will be announced before the start of the event. In this case, the Festival organization will not have direct management of the award, respecting the regulations and deadlines of these entities;
3.5. There will be no cash prizes;
3.6. All sessions and other actions of the 6th Curta Caicó are free;
4.1. The persons responsible for the films entered in the event grant “Curta Caicó” the right to display and disseminate, in any media, images of the film (photos and excerpts of up to 30 seconds), by themselves or by third parties, without limitation of the number of times. , without any remuneration or compensation being owed to the participants.
4.2. Issues not covered by this regulation will be resolved by the organization of Curta Caicó;
4.3. The festival is not responsible for works that are not legally authorized regarding the use of images, soundtracks, archival images and any other works used in the films, and the film producer is entirely responsible for responding to any legal and legal claims;
4.4. All subscribers will be part of the Curta Caicó collection and can be used in film clubs, cultural or educational shows and similar non-profit entities and always with prior notice to the filmmakers.
4.5. The invitation made to the directors to participate in the event (accommodation and food) will be subject to the budgetary conditions of the Festival;
4.6. The confirmation of the Authorization Term by the director implies the acceptance of this regulation;
coordination team
Short films produced in Brazil with production date of January 2020
Kurz- und Hauptfilme
Keine Gebühr
31 Mär 23
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