Festival start: 24 November 2016
Festival end: 26 November 2016
Curt.Doc Vidreres International Short Documentary Festival is a cultural event devoted to short documentary film making. The aim of the Festival is to be an exhibition platform and meeting point for the general public, professionals and filmmakers from around the world, promoting documentaries and their makers in a innovative and accessible format.
Cash Prizes: 3,100€
Winners in official categories will receive a trophy in addition to a financial award. 1.500
euros will be awarded to the Best Short Documentary; 800 euros to the winner of Avant-garde Award (innovation and originality using documentary language will be valued); 500 euros to the Best Short Documentary in Catalan (produced in Catalonia or by a Catalan director) and 300 euros to the Special Jury’s award.
1- Curt.Doc is responsible for the admission and selection of all entries, for the Festival’s orientation and for nominating the members of a Jury composed of film critics, renowned documentary filmmakers and producers.
2- The Jury will award prizes in all official competition categories. The Jury’s decision will be final and incontestable. In addition, the Festival’s organizers reserve the right to award as many prizes and honorific mentions as it believes deserving. Finally, a special Audience’s Award will also be conferred.
3- Winners in official categories will receive a trophy in addition to a financial award. 1.500
euros will be awarded to the Best Short Documentary; 800 euros to the winner of Avant-garde Award (innovation and originality using documentary language will be valued); 500 euros to the Best Short Documentary in Catalan (produced in Catalonia or by a Catalan director) and 300 euros to the Special Jury’s award. 50% of the financial award will be paid to the production company or to the holder of the winning film’s operating rights and the remaining 50% will be paid to the director, by bank transfer within 4 months of the official award ceremony.
4- Regard will be given to the quality and creativity of work submitted, regardless of the film’s nationality or theme. A preference will be shown to all films unreleased in Spain
5- The 8th Edition of Curt.Doc will be held in Vidreres (Girona, Catalonia) on November 25th, 26th and 27th, 2016.
6- Curt.Doc is open to all forms of non-fiction audiovisual documentary (auteur, creative experimental or essay documentary, collage...). Entries must have been produced after
January 1st, 2014.
7- The Competition is open to independent professionals, colleges, universities, institutions and film production companies holding the exhibition rights of the works submitted. The Festival’s organisers assume that the production companies or the filmmakers registered in the Festival hold the exhibition rights to the works entered.
Curt.Doc will not be held liable for any infringement of this article.
8- Fictional films, films displaying advertising or promotional content, press reports and films of an exclusively journalistic nature will not be considered. Furthermore, the organization reserves the right to not accept films released or to be released in commercial screenings or on Spanish TV channels before the date of the festival.
9- There are no restrictions regarding the theme or the original language of the film.
10- Total running time including credits must not exceed 26 minutes in length (with all credits included).
11- Curt.Doc reserves the right to change or eliminate any of the official categories, or to open new categories based on the nature of the entries received. Curt.Doc also reserves the right to cancel the festival should mitigating causes outside of its control arise.
12- Entrants may submit multiple entries to the Festival.
13- Registration is free. In order to present the preselected film you will need to provide a link to your Vimeo personal account, secured with a user-name and password to the following email: programacio@curtdoc.cat.
You can find an explanation on how to compress your videos and upload them to Vimeo at the following link: https://vimeo.com/help/compression. In the case that the entrant possesses a subtitled version in Catalan, Spanish or English, this version should be submitted. If not, a transcription of the original text in Catalan, Spanish or English must be provided. In addition, a completed entry form, which can be found on the Festival’s website, together with the requested material, must be attached to the same email.
Furthermore, registration can be done through the following digital platforms: Uptofest, Moviebeta, Clickforfestivals, Festhome. Some of these are payment platforms (each of them specifies its fees in their webpage), but Curt.doc is still a free festival by itself.
14- Registration opens March 21th, 2016. The deadline for submissions is July 31th, 2016.
15- Once the film has been entered into competition, it cannot be withdrawn.
16- The announcement of selected works will be made on September 5th, 2016 and will be communicated by email. Selected documentaries will also be published on the Festival’s website. If after this date the entrant hasn’t received any notification, it should be understood that his/her work has not been preselected. The decision of the Selection Committee will not be open to appeal.
17- Authors of works selected must forward an exhibition copy without subtitles before
October 3rd, 2016 by one of the two following means:
Via Internet:
If the film is less than 2GB, via wetransfer to programacio@curtdoc.cat
If the film is more than 2GB, via a FTP server that will be provided by the organisation when selected works are communicated.
The organisation will provide information about how to compress the exhibition copy.
Failure to forward the copy will result in the exclusion of the film from the Official Section.
18- The Festival’s organisation will confirm by email the reception of the pre-selection and exhibition copies.
19- The Festival’s organisation will set the order and the date of the short documentary’s screening.
20- The entrant authorises the organisation to use extracts of films selected for screening (of max. 3 minutes in length) as well as promotional material (press dossier, posters and photographs) for the Festival’s promotion in any national or international media (TV, press or Internet). In addition, the Festival’s organisation will protect entered films from being copied or exhibited in their entirety while in its possession.
21- Works selected in Curt.Doc might be screened in other not-profit cultural events related to the Festival, which will be communicated beforehand to the producer or author of the short documentary.
22- By entering Curt.Doc Competition, entrants agree to accept and be bound by the terms and conditions of these official Competition Rules and Regulations as set herein. The interpretation and application of these Rules and Regulations belongs to the Festival’s Management.