Início do Festival: 30 Junho 2020
Fim do Festival: 30 Junho 2020
The objective of the VII EUROPEAN AUDIOVISUAL CREATION CONTEST "CTL 59 SECONDS" is to disseminate, promote and encourage the realization of videocreation work. It is especially aimed at students and amateurs and also professionals who want to make known, in person and online, audiovisual creations that have artistic and technical value with a maximum duration of 59 seconds. The subject of the videos made (development of a thematic idea or narrative line) will be freely available and the contents of the works can be fiction or documentary in nature. The Jury will especially appreciate the originality, creativity and visual, conceptual and formal experimentation of the works.
The maximum duration of the movie is 59 seconds.
CTL Image and Sound Training convenes the Seventh European Audiovisual Creation Competition "CTL 59 seconds"/ Europar Mailako Ikus-Entzunezko Sorkuntzen Lehiaketa with the following BASES:
1.- Participants
All persons with nationality and/or residence in EUROPA, who individually or in a group, and who, being over 16 years of age, submit works with a maximum duration of 59 seconds, including credits, may be submitted to the competition. No works that exceed that time, commercial videos or spots, will not be accepted. The works will be original.
The objective of the EUROPEAN AUDIOVISUAL CREATION CONTEST "CTL 59 SECONDS" is to disseminate, promote and encourage the realization of video creation work. It is especially aimed at students and amateurs and also professionals who want to make known, in person and online, audiovisual creations that have artistic and technical value with a maximum duration of 59 seconds. The subject of the videos made (development of a thematic idea or narrative line) will be freely available and the contents of the works can be fiction or documentary in nature. Advertising and commercial videos are excluded. The Jury will especially appreciate the originality, creativity and visual, conceptual and formal experimentation, of the works.
This competition was born to spread the artistic intention from video creation, understanding by artistic intention all that is not merely communicative or informative, but adds an experimental, formal, poetic, philosophical content to the audiovisual creation itself, through the use of technical, grammatical, aesthetic and conceptual resources.
Contest participants shall be nationalised and/or accredited to reside in any of the 51 States, territories and regions of Europe, defining by such:
(a) the 28 eu members: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom and Croatia;
(b) Countries with EU institutional and cultural relations: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland and Bosnia Herzegovina.
(c) Candidate States to enter the EU (Turkey and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia); and countries benefiting from the EU's pre-accession strategy: Bosnia, Serbia (including Kosovo), Albania and Montenegro.
d) Non-EU Eastern European countries (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova), the three Baltic Republics and Caucasus autonomous republics and territories.
2.- Presentation of the works
The delivery of the jobs, the subject or subject free of charge, will have the following characteristics:
Mp4 video format with H.264 encoding and a resolution of 1920 x 1080 or 1280 x 720 square pixels, at 25, 50 or 60 frames per second and progressive scanning.
All works will be subtitled in Spanish and/or English, provided that dialogues, voiceovers or texts are included.
Each participant may submit a maximum of 3 jobs.
3.- Registration and shipping
Registration for the Contest will be effective when the entrant submits the following documentation:
The registration form, which can be downloaded from the website ( If the original work is collective, a single sheet will be completed with the data of all authors.
2) A text document translated into Spanish with a summary biography of the participant and a brief synopsis of the script.
3) A frame of the audiovisual work, extracted from the recording and representing the work with a maximum weight of 500Kb, also in .jpg format that contains neither the title (other than the initial frame) nor the overprinted subtitles.
4) A video file as described in point 2
The shipment of the material can be done by any of these 3 ways:
a) Delivery to the secretariat of the center (Avenida Marcelo Celayeta, no. 75, AA2, Edificio Iwer, Pamplona, Navarra CP 31014) of a DVD or a pendrive of the four documents comprising the inscription.
b) Mailing to the address CTL Formation Image and Sound, Building Iwer no 75, Nave A2, Avenida Marcelo Celayeta (Pamplona, Navarra), CP 31014, of a DVD or a pendrive of the four documents comprising the registration.
c) sending an email to the address with the subject line "Application for registration in the ECSC "CTL 59" with NAME AND NAMES accompanied by a download link to A SINGLE folder called the participant's NAME AND NAMES and containing the four documents comprising the registration. The file must be hosted on one of these free services: Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, Mega(1), or WeTransfer(1).
(1) Please note that in these services the links may expire and if the shipment coincides with the Christmas holiday period and we have not been able to download them the participant will be asked to send it again.
The deadline for registration and submission of the works opens on Monday 4 November 2019 and ends on Monday, 23 March 2020. The award ceremony and screening will take place at the Filmoteca de Navarra on April 23, 2020.
4.- Development of the contest
A first evaluation will be made by the selection committee of the organization (CTL Training Image and Sound), formed by Ismael San Juan and Ignacio Fdez. Galindo, teachers from the CTL IMAGING department. The working structure of this committee will be selection, recording and archiving, including reviewing the videos, fulfilling the bases, requesting additional information if needed, and delivering the 30 selected papers to the jury.
The competition jury consists of six professionals and representatives of the audiovisual sector. Chairman: Roberto Elizalde, director of CTL Training Image and Sound. Members: Mercedes Alvarez, (director of documentaries, and professor of the Master of Documentary Film of Pompeu Fabra University), Sandra Iráizoz (writer and audiovisual producer), David Arratíbel (publicist and director of the documentaries "Oírse" and "Converso"), Ignacio Maquírriain (responsible for post-production of video in the Navarrese production company 601) and Arturo Cisneros (director of film and representative of the
Jury Objective: Election of finalist videos (12) and winners (Award for the best work of audiovisual creation 2020, Special Mention of the Jury to the best work of a filmmaker of Navarra, and Special Mention of the Jury to the best experimental work.
The jury's ruling will be unappealable, and some prize may be left unquestionable or all of them. In case of doubt, the jury will interpret with its discretion the omissions that may be presented by these bases. The authors of the selected works will be informed of their status as finalists.
The delivery of prizes and projection of the selected works will be communicated to the interested parties and published on the website of the organization. The projection of the finalist and award-winning works will take place at the Filmoteca de Navarra (Pamplona) on April 23, 2020.
5.- Awards
The jury may award the following prizes:
a) Award for the best audiovisual creation work 2020 "CTL 59 seconds" (Diploma and 1,000 euros)
b) Special Mention of the Jury to the best filmmaker of Navarra (Diploma)
c) Special mention of the jury to the best experimental work (Diploma)
The names of the 30 selected will be published on the CTL website on Friday, March 27, 2020.
6.- Use and dissemination of the works
The organization of the contest acquires the rights of exhibition of the selected works solely and exclusively within the framework of the Competition, reserving the right to collect and disseminate the works, quoting the title and the author, always as material promotional audiovisual. Likewise, CTL Formation Imagen y Sonido, entity organizing the Competition, will also have assigned the rights of archive and exhibition of the works for dissemination within its cultural programming, unless expressly waived by the right holder.
The filmmakers of the shorts will authorize with the acceptance of the bases the use of a fragment of their work and complementary graphic material for their promotional dissemination in media, as well as its full dissemination on the website of the organization.
Intangible media of the works (files) will be removed as soon as the selection process has been completed and final records, except for the finalist works that can be disseminated through the web and in the educational field of the Center as teaching material, except for the copyright.
Accepting the basis of the Competition, the author of the work expressly confirms that his work has the copyright and authorizations of the work (script, realization, music with or without lyrics, graphic, etc.) However, the organization of the Competition shall not be legally liable for any intellectual property infringements incurred by the authors.
7.- Acceptance of the bases
Participation in the Competition is publicly interpreted as acceptance of the terms and conditions.
Competition Organization:
– Organizer of the International Audiovisual Creation Competition "CTL 59 seconds"
Contact: Ignacio Fdez. Galindo (Contest Coordinator and Member Selection Committee)
Main collaborating entity:
Paseo Antonio Pérez Goyena, 3, Library Building and Film library of Navarra (Pamplona)
Technical collaboration companies:
Pujol Photo Studio
Collaborating companies:
Walden Bookstore (Pamplona, Navarra)
8.- Self-regulation
Given the social commitment of CTL TRAINING IMAGEN AND SOUND with universal values of tolerance, respect, equality and non-discrimination, the organization reserves the power not to admit to competition those works of videocreation that:
a) Include scenes in which any type of incitement or exaltation of the use of any type of drug, drink or substance appears.
b) Include scenes involving violent, sexist or inappropriate attitudes in any form or that respond to discriminatory ideas by origin, origin or sex, as well as any attitude that conflicts with respect for children and dignity of the person.
c) Include scenes of extreme verbal or physical violence or explicit sexuality.
Curtas e Longas-metragens
Com a taxa
Prazo de envios
23 Mar 20
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