Festival start: 26 April 2019
Festival end: 27 April 2019
"Mirada al Pasado" is a festival of short films in which shorts can only be about the past (actions that take place in a past place, that refer to the past or a historical epoch) and belong to the genre of fiction or documentary.
Cash Prizes: 250€
250 €
In accordance with what it is declared in the general ordinance of subsides in the Segorbe City Council, published in the BOP (Castellón Offiial Gazzette) dated on January 21st, 2016.
1.- International short films made after January 1st, 2015 can be presented to the festival. Shorts can only be about the past (actions which take place in a past place, refer to the past or a historical period) and belong to the fiction genre or documentary. Its duration will not exceed 15 minutes, including the titles of credit. Animation short films and video clips are excluded.
2.- The deadline to receive all the works will begin on February 21, 2019 and will end at 24:00 hours on April 7, 2019.
3.- Short films must be in Castilian or Valencian, or with subtitles in either of these two languages. We will not accept works which do not meet these requirements.
4.- The works can be sent physically or telematically, preferably by means of a viewing link or direct download to the email: concursointernacionalsegorbe@gmail.com or through the pages: festhome. It will be compulsory to add the press kit of the short films (technical or artistic datasheet, poster, three frames, synopsis ...) and a complete registration form. The terms and conditions are available on the web segorbe.es on the facebook of the city council and in several means of dissemination of the activities of the entity.
5.- The works which are sent by physical copy (DVD) will be presented or sent by mail to the following address:
12400 – SEGORBE
Enclosing the registration datasheet in the contest, according to model ANNEX I, downloadable on the website of the city council and attached to these terms and conditions.
This registration datasheet will be kept under custody by the Cultural Department of the Segorbe City Council.
6.- The organization of the Exhibition will choose ten short films among all short films presented, which will be screened by the jury. The jury will designate a single winning work, which will be projected in the framework of the Segorbe Audiovisual Exhibition, on a date to be announced in advance. The jury reserves the right to declare the prize deserted.
7. The procedure to award these prizes will be competitive concurrence, by means of the corresponding call for the works presentation.
The jury will act with total independence and will determine the winning proposal according to evaluation criteria and with the path weighting which is indicated below, being able to grant each of the proposals a maximum of 40 points:
- from 0 to 10 artistic quality of the work
- from 0 to 10 technical quality of the work
- from 0 to 10 originality and innovation
- from 0 to 10 treatment of the theme.
9.- The jury, composed by audiovisual professionals, will evaluate the submitted works and will recognize a single piece as winner of the contest.
The jury, once the term of admission has been completed, will meet for the evaluation of the works presented and will prepare a report-proposal, which will indicate:
- The admitted works, of those presented in the contest.
- Those not admitted, indicating the reasons for the exclusion.
- The evaluation of the works presented and the rest of the documentation added by the contestants.
The Jury has the following competencies:
- The power to declare a null and void prizes, justifying the reasons for this decision.
- The identification of the contestant of the selected work, by opening the sealed blid.
- The interpretation of the present terms and conditions and the resolution of any questions which could arise on the occasion of the contest.
The jury will issue its proposal and will be binding for the Local Government Board, which is the body authorized to award the prize.
This prize will be compatible with any other subsidy granted by the same or other public administrations, for the different purposes to the present call.
10.- The jury prize, valued at € 250, charged to item 11.3340.48900.85 of the Municipal Budget,
The prize will be subject to the current tax legislation.
The decision of the contest will be made public before April 22. The minutes will be published on the website segorbe.es, on the facebook of the city council and in several usual means of dissemination of the activities of the entity.
The payment of the prizes will be made once all the formalities for their concession have been completed.
11.- The winning work must send a copy in DVD / Bluray for its projection or a link with sufficient quality (1920 x 1080) for its projection.
12.- The Segorbe City Council reserves the right to use the poster of the short film, some frame as well as up to 20 seconds of the work for its promotion and dissemination.
13.- The works received will be part of the video library of the Segorbe City Council and may be used for educational and cultural purposes.
14.- The participation in this contest supposes the total acceptance of the present terms and conditions. Their interpretation or any aspect not contemplated in the same is the exclusive competence of the jury.