Festival start: 13 June 2022
Festival end: 16 June 2022
We seek to democratize cinematic creation. You just have to have a smartphone, want to learn, create and share your stories.
We invite you to be part of the first version of CineSmart - Film Festival with Cell Phones that will be held from June 06 to 09, 2022 in Arequipa, Peru.
Created and presented by Anaqueronte Cultural Association.
International Cellular Film Festival
Due to the current Covid19 pandemic, the Anaqueronte Cultural Association invites you to be part of the new call for CineSmart - International Cell Phone Film Festival, which will take place from June 6 to 9 in Arequipa, Peru.
Official Short Film Competition
Original fiction, documentary or experimental short films that have been made with one or several smartphones (cell phones and/or tablets) in Spanish or with subtitles in this language. That the years of realization are between 2017 and 2021 from anywhere in the world.
International Short Film Festival
Fiction, documentary or experimental short films that have been made with one or several smartphones (cell phones and/or tablets) in Spanish or with subtitles in this language. That the years of realization are between 2011 and 2021. And that they will not enter the international competition. And they will be divided into the categories of students (of basic and/or higher education) and amateurs (a person who is not considered an amateur is considered an amateur). professional in the audiovisual field, neither is your production team.)
Short film course with cell phones and other training activities
Proposals for a short film making course will be accepted, as well as other courses and workshops related to cinema and audiovisuals that focus on the use of new tools as well as biographical contexts.
Launch of the international call: March 05, 2022.
Deadline of the call: May 31, 2022.
Realization of the festival: June 06,07,08 and 09, 2022.
1.- A person must present the short film as the owner of the rights. The owner or producer is the person who will personally sign the terms and conditions before the festival and declares with a sworn statement that all the intellectual property of the short film belongs to him or has paid the corresponding image, sound and material rights. The owner of the short will be the main producer of the short and from the signing of the terms and conditions will be responsible for everything inherent to the registered short, both against the festival and against any claim from a third party.
2.- Participants may present themselves with the number of short films they wish in each category of the festival; as well as the proposals for film training courses and workshops.
3.- The short films must have a minimum duration of 1 minute and a maximum of 12 minutes (including the final credits).
4.- The films will be received in Spanish. Those that are not in this language must have the original audio and preferably with subtitles in Spanish or English.
5.- Once the short films have been selected, they cannot be withdrawn from the programming or be presented in a released way on free or paid exhibition platforms. The participants agree to place the designs and palm groves of the festival in the initial or final credits.
6.- The selection of a film implies the free assignment of the projection rights of the work within the framework of CineSmart (both festival and itinerancy cycles).
7.- The organization of the Festival may withdraw, at any time, that audiovisual production that does not comply with any of the rules. Likewise, the falsification of the production information or the data consigned in the registration form will mean the disqualification and exclusion of the material from the category in which it participates.
8.- Participation in this call implies full knowledge and acceptance of the terms and requirements indicated in this document. All decisions of the organizer will be final and irrevocable.
9.- The pre-selection of works, in each category and subcategories, will be carried out by the Festival's selection committee made up of the programming team and the external advisors of the Anaqueronte Cultural Association.
10.- For the competitive section, a jury will be appointed that will be made up of professionals related to international cinema and culture. People who have any link with the production or exploitation of the films presented in the competition may not be part of the jury. The jury will choose a winner and a special mention per category, as well as prizes for best direction, photography, screenplay, acting, etc. being the decision of the jury unappealable.
11.- People interested in applying to CineSmart must complete the registration form, accepting the terms and conditions and send their short film made with a cell phone and/or tablet through our website www.anaqueronte.org They can also apply for the international platform www.festhome.com The festival does not charge any fee for registration.
12.- They are mandatory to send Check all of the following items:
Synopsis: Description of the short, maximum one page double spaced in Arial font 12.
Technical sheet of the short.
Short file in H264 (.MP4) format, MOV
Attach "Making of" or behind the scenes, where it is verified that the short film was made with smart mobile devices (phones or tablets)
Poster or cinematographic poster of your short film.
Behind-the-scenes photos.
13.- By accepting the legal terms and conditions, the participant knows and authorizes CineSmart® in a free, prior, voluntary, express and duly informed manner; and the Anaqueronte Artistic Cultural Association to collect, register, process, disseminate, compile, exchange, update and dispose of the data or partial and/or total information provided at the time of registration on the website www.anaqueronte.org.
Just as the exhibition is authorized in whole or in part, by open television and/or by subscription, commercial and/or alternative movie theaters; and by any other audiovisual means that the organization considers pertinent, including the internet, social networks and any other web platform, in any audiovisual and communication medium or by any platform developed and to be developed, which will be communicated to the participants in a timely manner.
Further inquiries: Any questions or queries should be communicated to the mail: cinesmart@anaqueronte.org or whatsapp: +51953876609.