Festival start: 24 July 2015
Festival end: 26 July 2015
The Ciampino International Film Festival is organized by the Cultural Association Sincresia in collaboration with various partners and with the support of the Regional Council of Lazio and the municipality of Ciampino.
CIFF aims to promote film culture, giving visibility to authors and professionals of different cultures and backgrounds.
The Cultural Association Sincresia aims to encourage the development and promotion of new talent; using the festival to strengthen and educate the general public and make them aware of new artists in the audio visual arena
Prizes will be awarded by a jury appointed by the Festival. The jury will be announced at the festival's inauguration day.
Prizes will not be in money but will be represented by the partnership from our partners and technical awards designed to support the winners for future projects: crew to make a short film, Color Correction, Audio Mix with sound design, editing room etc.
1. The "Vincenzo Cerami" Award for Schools
2. Award for Best Animated Short Film
3. Award for Best Short Film
4. Award for Best Documentary
5. Award for Best Directing
6. Award for Best Photography
7. Award for Storyboarding
8. Award for Best Original Score
The Festival Committee, reserves the right to give recognition with special awards to submitted works. The awards extent will be announced on the CIFF website at the end of selection. The list of finalists will be disclosed on the Festival website. Among them will be chosen and then projected in the main hall between 15/25 animated shorts films between 15/25 Short fiction between 6/9 documentaries. Those which are not among selected finalists will be screened in other smaller rooms or uploaded on the festival website. The list of finalists will be disclosed on the CIFF’s website no later than 10/06/2015. The authors and/or producers of selected works for the final stage will be notified by email; a representative for each work will be an invited guest of the Festival and of the City of Ciampino. No communication will be given to films that are not selected by the jury.
Ciampino International Film Fest
First edition
The Ciampino International Film Festival is organised by the Cultural Association Sincresia in collaboration with various partners and with the support of the municipality of Ciampino and the region Lazio.
The Ciampino International Film Fest will run from 24 to 26 July 2015 in the Ciampino region at the future Theatre 'Vincenzo Cerami'.
Works will be screened according to the agenda and timetable determined exclusively by the Festival Committee, which reserves the right to make changes until the final stage.
Art.3 ) AIMS.
CIFF aims to promote film culture giving visibility to authors and
professionals of different cultures and background.
The Cultural Association Sincresia aims to encourage the development and promotion of new talent; using the festival to strengthen and educate the general public and make them aware of new artists in the audio-visual arena.
The Festival accepts narrative film works on all topics except for works with no narration, corporate films, propaganda, music videos and works by amateurs. The Festival is divided into four sections:
1. A special competition for schools "Vincenzo Cerami"
2. Short Animation Films (min. 3' – max. 15', excluding credits)
3. Short Fiction Films (max. 20 ' including credits)
4. Documentaries (max 70' including credits)
The selection of works will be done by an Organising Committee or Selection Committee. The selected works will take part in the final stage. Those not satisfying the criteria indicated above will be excluded. All works must have been completed after the 1 January 2012.
Registration at the festival is free. Those wishing to participate in the Festival may register on the CIFF website.
Each participant must download, complete, sign and return a registration form that can be found in at the CIFF website. Each selected author must send a copy of their work in Full HD format with H264 or Apple ProRes 422 compression via the appropriate management websites or directly to the CIFF head office via Festhome.com. CIFF also accepts exceptionally the Blu-Ray format sent directly to CIFF address. Copies of the submitted works will not be returned.
The authors and/or producers submitting a registration acknowledge that CIFF has full and unrestricted rights to publication of their information on the Festival websites and catalogue. Authors and/or producers submitting a registrations acknowledge that by registering at the Festival, the Festival management may edit and disperse information about their application freely and without restriction for promotional purposes, including and not limited to the wider press without recourse. Authors and/or producers are responsible for the content of their works; they declare, with their registration, that they have fulfilled all obligations towards all third parties resulting from copyright and absolve the festival from any obligation on their behalf for the content and liability of their work. The Festival is not responsible and does not accept liability for the content of a submitted work and all alleged violations of copyright are the responsibilities of the registration. Writers and producers assume all responsibilities in the case of claims made by third parties filmed or not in the works.
The works in a foreign language must be subtitled in English or in Italian and, if selected for the final stage, they must include all the list of dialogues in Italian or an Italian subtitled copy in accordance with the following organisational communications of the Secretariat.
Authors and/or producers must submit:
1. Registration form and consent to the processing of personal data.
2. Synopsis of their work in Italian and English text
3. Biography of the author.
The material for the registration must be completed in capital letters and be clearly legible.
Registration documentation must also includes three photos (screenshot) in high resolution (1920 x1080 300 dpi) taken from the submitted work.
All documentation can be sent by post or by email. All documentation and information may be found on the CIFF website. The deadlines for submission of materials are no later than 31 May 2015. The Festival will not accept work received after the date of shipment or registration. Any changes in the terms of enrollment will be announced on the Festival website. All shipping costs are charged to the authors or producers. Participants in the festival are solely responsible for all hire charges, transport costs and arrangements and the festival does not take responsibility for any participants expenses and costs. We ask applicants to note that works submitted for consideration will not be returned.
Art 7) AWARDS.
Prizes will be awarded by a jury appointed by the Festival. The jury will be announced at the festival's inauguration day.
Prizes will not be in money but will be represented by the partnership from our partners and technical awards designed to support the winners for future projects: crew to make a short film, Color Correction, Audio Mix with sound design, editing room etc.
1. The "Vincenzo Cerami" Award for Schools
2. Award for Best Animated Short Film
3. Award for Best Short Film
4. Award for Best Documentary
5. Award for Best Directing
6. Award for Best Photography
7. Award for Storyboarding
8. Award for Best Original Score
The Festival Committee, reserves the right to give recognition with special awards to submitted works. The awards extent will be announced on the CIFF website at the end of selection. The list of finalists will be disclosed on the Festival website. Among them will be chosen and then projected in the main hall between 15/25 animated shorts films between 15/25 Short fiction between 6/9 documentaries. Those which are not among selected finalists will be screened in other smaller rooms or uploaded on the festival website. The list of finalists will be disclosed on the CIFF’s website no later than 10/06/2015.
The authors and/or producers of selected works for the final stage will be notified by email; a representative for each work will be an invited guest of the Festival and of the City of Ciampino. No communication will be given to films that are not selected by the jury.
These rules apply to all Festival sections:
1. Participation implies unconditional acceptance of the rules contained in these Regulations and in the supplementary materials prepared in conjunction with the application and registration. In case of misinterpretation, the Italian Guidelines for all rules and re
2. The Festival Committee reserves the right to make changes to these regulations. These changes will be duly reported on the official website.
3. Participation in the festival is free based and the Festival makes no economic commitment towards participants.
4. Participation in the Festival for all sections is outside the application of DPR October 26, 2001 n. 430
5. Each producer/author can participate with a maximum of two works by category
6. Industrial, corporate, advertising, propaganda and music videos will not be accepted. The festival reserves the right to reject without liability and at its full discretion, any works it considers offensive or damaging to the common sensibility.
7. The inscription involves the irrevocable and indefinite transfer of right to allow the festival to use every portion of an application including, and not limited to, the work submitted to the Festival's Film Archive and Photographic Archive. The Sincresia Association shall will have the right to reproduce the work without restriction including and not limited to any other locations not related to the Festival, for non- profit and non-commercial purposes and in protection of authors and producers who retain ownership of the work.
8. The Festival and Sincresia are not obliged to publish and / or exhibit works that have participated in the selection.
9. The judgements of the Organising Committee or the Selection Committee are definitive and unappeasable
10. The Festival will then provide insurance of the works copies in the exhibition. In the case of loss or damage to a copy of the work, the Festival and its organising association will not accept any responsibility, liability or obligation.
11. In accordance with the resolution passed by art. 10 of Law 675/96, "Protection of persons and other subjects regarding the processing of personal data" and subsequent amendment with Legislative Decree no. 196 of June 30, 2003, the personal competitors data provided by filling out the registration form, collected and processed by computer, will be used to identify the winners and to identify the authors of the works in the various occasions when these will be exhibited or published and for communications related to the competition itself. The participant has the right of access to data and to exercise the rights to supplement, correct, delete etc. Guaranteed by art. 13 of the above mentioned law, to the data owner.
The data provision and related treatment consent are necessary conditions for participation in the competition.
12. Every participant is responsible of their own work for civil and criminal law and discharges the Festival, it’s Organizing Committee and the Sincresia Association from any responsibility including those subjects filmed in the works. The author and / or producer must inform any interested parties (filmed people) in the cases and manner prescribed by article 10 of Law 675/96 and subsequent modification with Legislative Decree No 30 June 2003. 196. In no case the images will contain data classified as sensitive. Every participant declares to own all the rights over originals, digital acquisition and processing of the submitted works.
13. The artist's name will be shown in all forms of use.
14. Any infraction and / or irregularities regarding the regulation will
prevent the registration and the participation in the Festival.
15. All disputes also not provided in this Regulation are primarily
under the authority of the Festival Committee and then the apposite
legal court of jurisdiction.
16. The Festival Committee reserves the right to suspend or stop the event.
17. In the case above, any materials submitted will not be returned and will be used as indicated in the letter 8 of this Article.