Festival start: 18 August 2016
Festival end: 21 August 2016
The CFF is a festival dedicated to audiovisual theme environmental and natural. Aims to collect the most interesting images and reward the efforts and talent of the young, but not only, that invest their energy in telling the green that still surrounds us. The Festival through the art of film aims to focus attention on what is happening in our world, with particular reference to all that is now environment.
Place of complaint and reflection: the cinema on the environment as a medium of international communication, comparison as well as container criticism, development and promotion.
Never before, in particular in our region comes an obligation to advertise, support, advertise "material" that can move us to reflection, that can make us stop and think about everything that surrounds us. Environment stolen, but also regained. As a physical space but also spiritual.
The films must draw an unusual path that begins "from the works of the complaint and the testimony of brave men and women involved in the defense of their territories, to get to the proposal of new models of sustainable living or hypothesis of dire future scenarios" .
Festival films will follow two main criteria: great attention to the works of 'our home' and fictional stories, trying to put together the reality cinema, the documentary, which so far has been the 'official spokesperson' of environmental concerns. The Festival is held in Caselle in Pittari in Province of Salerno, enchanting landscape setting, historic, cultural and natural in the heart of the National Park of Cilento and Vallo di Diano on Bussento river.
Major players in the national cinema will participate in the event, meet the young protagonists actively debating with them giving valuable advice. Participation in the survey, the entrance to the screenings of films and events scheduled are free until all the seats available.
Cash Prizes: 2,500€
The competition involves the following prizes:
- Section environment: Caselle Art Award more money prize of 1000,00 €
- Section Environment: Caselle Award for Animation more cash prize of 500,00 €
- Youth Section: "Caselle Young Award" more cash prize of 500,00 €
- The Schools section: "Caselle Award 4School" more cash prize of 500,00 € (reserved for schools)
The other two prizes will be awarded by the jury as special mentions as follows:
- Special prize for best director "Caselle Award for Directing"
- Special Prize Best screenplay "Caselle Award for Writing Screenplay"
1 - The Festival will take place in Caselle in Pittari in the month of August 2016
2 - The competition is open to all, professionals and non-professionals (authors) who have reached the age of 18. Entry to the competition is free of charge. The enrolment form and the waiver are downloadable at: www.casellefilmfestival.it
3 - can participate in the competition films which deal with the following topics: Environment, Nature and Landscape
4 - The competition is divided into three sections:
- "Section Environment"
- "Youth Section"
- The schools Section"
4.1 - "section schools" has a separate regulation (downloadable from the site of the festival) from present, being dedicated exclusively to schools in Italy
5 - The competition is dedicated to cinema genre of the short film.
6 - The competition provides short films of maximum duration 30 minutes
7- Each author can participate with more of a work.
8 - can participate in the contest works turn in any format in Italian or foreign.
9 - Entry to the competition takes place through the compilation of official card for inclusion in all its parts.
The registration card signed and sent to the CFF accompanied by:
- the film (Allowed file formats: MPEG2, mpeg3, mpeg4, AVI, MOV)
- the trailer for max 60" (Allowed file formats: MPEG2, mpeg3, mpeg4, AVI, MOV)
- Photo of the director (Jpeg format, resolution 300 dpi)
- two photographs of the scene of the film (jpeg format, resolution 300 dpi)
The registration form, duly filled in and signed, constitutes an official agreement between the parties. Sending files must be made no later than 15 June 2016.
Will not be accepted works which are not accompanied by the enrolment form duly completed and signed.
The registration card, the film and the other material requested must be sent electronically via the online service www.festhome.com.
Or by mail to the following address:
Competition CFF Boxes Film festival 2016
At the town of Caselle in Pittari
Viale Roma 1 - 84030 Caselle in Pittari (SA)
A registration form filled out and signed must be submitted for each film entered. Are accepted multiple consignments from the same director and / or production company, but every film must be accompanied by a registration form separated.
10 - By sending the work, the sender declares to be the owner of all rights of use of the same, that the contents of the work does not violate the laws in force and that the work does not have content to a defamatory. In every case the author raises the organization from all losses, damages, liabilities, costs and charges of any kind that may be incurred due to the content of his work and of its projection in public. It is the responsibility of the author any protection the SIAE of the opera and the payment of the related rights of performance in case of use of music repertoire created by third parties.
11 - The works submitted for selection will not be returned and will form part of the archive of the Caselle Film Festival.
12 - The direction of the Festival will coordinate the selection of artworks by establishing definitively movies and video admitted at the final phase.
13 - The organization, while engaging in the care and in the case of works received, assumes no liability for theft, damage or loss that they were to suffer from the time of arrival at that of public manifestation.
14 - The master copies screened in the competition will be returned to the authors only if explicitly requested, through a dispatch by courier or priority mail, at the expense of the recipient to the address indicated in the registration form, within 90 days from the end of the unwinding of the Festival.
15 - The finalist Artworks will be judged by juries (art. 6 the manifesto of the event) contest, which decide the outcome on the last day of programming. The prizes will be awarded only in the presence of the authors winners or their delegates.
16 - The competition involves the following prizes:
- Section environment: Caselle Art Award more money prize of 1000,00 €
- Section Environment: Caselle Award for Animation more cash prize of 500,00 €
- Youth Section: "Caselle Young Award" more cash prize of 500,00 €
- The Schools section: "Caselle Award 4School" more cash prize of 500,00 € (reserved for schools)
The other two prizes will be awarded by the jury as special mentions as follows:
- Special prize for best director "Caselle Award for Directing"
- Special Prize Best screenplay "Caselle Award for Writing Screenplay"
17 - The Authors shall authorize the projection of its films entered at the festival, in institutes of primary and secondary education for didactic use, and also for cultural initiatives and for purposes of promotion of the Festival itself. Other different use will be in compliance with the regulations in force on the subject of copyright, prior authorization.
18 - The direction of the Festival can take any useful decision in relation to matters not covered by this Regulation.
19 - The participants in the competition, through the Inscription Form shall authorize the Association CFF Caselle Film Festival for the purposes of Law 675/1996, to the processing of personal data and to use their name and address for uses connected to the event. The holder of personal data sent will be the association. Within the meaning of art. 13 L. 675/96 data will be available for any correction or amendment relating to their use.
20 - The request for admission to the Festival implies the unconditional acceptance of the present Regulation. For any dispute arising out of the use of the filmic works, will be the jurisdiction of Lagonegro (PZ). In the event of a dispute as to the meaning of the articles of the regulation will be authentic that drawn up in Italian language.