Festival start: 15 November 2018
Festival end: 17 November 2018
The BYU Final Cut Film Festival is a student-produced, student-created film festival. Over a period of several evenings, we screen a collection of the best fiction films, documentaries, commercials, and animations that students create here at BYU. Final Cut is sponsored by the BYU Theatre and Media Arts department and the Student Film Association.
The purpose of this festival is to encourage students to create and watch meaningful and creative media. Festival submissions are open to all current BYU students.
1) Most importantly, As a student film festival, every film must be submitted by a current BYU-Provo student and feature a primarily student crew.
2) Although we don’t have a time restraint on films submitted, please note that submitting a longer film may decreases the probability that it will be screened since one of the main purposes of the festival is to showcase as many student films as possible. Films 15 minutes or longer are subject to being screened at a time and a place other than Final Cut. No film is guaranteed a Final Cut screening regardless of length or personal funding sources.
3) All film content will be evaluated in accordance to the BYU Department of Theatre and Media Arts Selection, Viewing, and Creating policy. You can access the TMA Viewing and Creation policy here.
4) Film content must follow the guidelines established in the Aims of a BYU Education and the BYU Honor Code and have cleared all rights to script, visual and audio content.
5) The film’s project leader (the submitter) can submit no more than 2 films for consideration
Terms and Conditions:
By submitting your film, whether or not it is chosen to screen at the festival, you agree to allow your film to be part of a DVD of films compiled from the festival and held at the department level as well as distributed to local libraries. However, your film will not be sold. All student productions produced with BYU Theatre and Media Arts Department (hereafter “TMA”) resources and submitted to venues by the project leader (“Filmmaker”), such as Final Cut or other distribution venues, will be considered official programs of TMA and used in a number of different ways in support of TMA’s education and promotional efforts. The Filmmaker agrees the project is governed by the BYU Intellectual Properties Policy and as such may be used, whole or in part, by BYU’s Theatre and Media Arts Department. Therefore, TMA: May have unlimited use of the project for screening in conjunction with the completion, and is granted a non-exclusive license to use the project as part of any future Final Cut screenings and festivals or as part of any education curriculum in any class offered by BYU. Reserves the right to broadcast the project as part of a television program representing student work. May use the project title, the filmmaker’s name, and personal image, as part of any Final Cut or TMA promotional efforts. Agrees that proceeds collected from any Final Cut screening or from distribution of the DVD compilations will be dedicated to the promotion of future Final Cut events or Final Cut Student Filmmaker Grants. In addition to participate in any TMA screening, broadcast or DVD compilation, the Filmmaker must warrant that the Filmmaker is the copyright owner of the work (has rights to all literary, visual, and aural materials), the project is free and clear of any liens, claims or encumbrances, and that the Filmmaker has the right to enter into this agreement, and the Filmmaker has not entered into any agreement which will adversely affect TMA’s rights under this agreement, and that TMA’s use of the work will not infringe upon or otherwise violate anyone else’s rights, and that the Filmmaker shall have no obligations of any kind to any other person(s) except as stated herein. Because of BYU’s Intellectual Properties Policy, the student is required to provide appropriate credits to TMA for in-kind services, and to report any distribution agreements with the BYU Creative Works Office with the understanding that a portion of the revenues will return to TMA. This agreement will supersede any and all other agreements, oral or written, or any other understanding. In consideration of this agreement, TMA agrees to promote and display the project as part of the screening.