Applicants submitting Films that contain significant non-English spoken dialogue must provide on-screen English subtitles. Busan International Art Film festival (BIAFF) reserves the right to disqualify, without refund of any or all submission fees previously collected from the Applicant, any Film that contains significant non-English spoken dialogue that does not include accompanying on-screen English subtitles. In the event that a submitted Film contains significant non-English spoken dialogue and does not include accompanying on-screen English subtitles, BIAFF will attempt, but is under no obligation, to contact the Applicant using the contact information provided on the submission form in an effort to obtain a replacement copy of the Film.
All Films must be submitted to BIAFF via the Secure Online Screener function of Festhome.
It is the sole responsibility of the Applicant to clear all content of the Film from any and all actual or potential legal claims and issues, including, without limitation, claims based upon theories of libel, defamation, invasion of privacy, violation of rights of publicity, theft of trade secrets, breach of confidence, breach of confidential relationship, and breach of express or implied contract (“Third Party Claim(s)”). BIAFF expressly disavows any responsibility for, and will not be held responsible for, any unauthorized inclusion of any content or materials within or relating to the submitted Film that are or may be the basis for any Third Party Claims based upon any of the foregoing legal theories or others. BIAFF reserves the right to disqualify, without refund of any or all submission fees previously collected from the Applicant, any Film that is or may become the subject of any Third Party Claims. In the event that any Third Party Claim(s) shall be asserted by any person or entity, Applicant shall fully indemnify and defend BIAFF, the Festival, and each of their representatives and affiliates from any liability in connection therewith and from any and all fees and expenses, including but not limited to attorneys’ fees, that each of any of them may incur in connection therewith.
BIAFF is under no obligation to provide to the Applicant or any other representative of the Film any comments or feedback regarding the submitted Film, any information relating to the manner in which the Film is, will be, or was reviewed; any views that BIAFF or any reviewers of the Film may hold concerning the Film; any reasons why the Film, should it not be accepted for exhibition at the Festival, was not accepted; or any other information relating to the Festival’s review, consideration and/or selection process regarding the Film specifically or submissions generally beyond the information set forth in these Rules and Regulations.
Short in Asia
Short and Feature Films 60'<
31 May 19
10 Jul 19
10 Aug 19
20 Oct 19
Submissions deadline
20 Oct 19
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Short made in Asia
Drama Competition
Short and Feature Films 60'<
31 May 19
10 Jul 19
10 Aug 19
20 Oct 19
Submissions deadline
20 Oct 19
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Drama film
Comedy Competition
Short and Feature Films 60'<
31 May 19
10 Jul 19
10 Aug 19
20 Oct 19
Submissions deadline
20 Oct 19
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Comedy films
Short and Feature Films 60'<
31 May 19
10 Jul 19
10 Aug 19
20 Oct 19
Submissions deadline
20 Oct 19
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Non-fiction films
Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.