Festival start: 02 February 2021
Festival end: 30 March 2021
Azkuna Zentroa - Alhondiga Bilbao launches the Call for Entries to participate in its programme entitled BIdeOtik. Focussing on other audiovisual narratives, which forms part of their film and audiovisual season to be held in February and March 2021.
The Call for Entries is aimed at artists and video-creators whose artistic output in terms of video expression is channelled through the audiovisual medium.
Azkuna Zentroa is a Contemporary Societal and Cultural Centre in Bilbao, the Basque Country, that connects society and contemporary culture through six lines of programming: Contemporary Art, Live Arts, Cinema and Audiovisual, Society, Digital Culture, and Literature. Through constant dialogue with each other these different lines have generated a hybrid, multi-faceted, and expanded programme of events that favours the regular day-to-day presence of the contemporary, using mediation and education as a means to generate critical knowledge and transform society through art and artists.
As part of its programme of events, Azkuna Zentroa carries out various initiatives to support creation in contemporary cinema and audiovisual media, reaching out to different audience sectors through either completed works or the creative processes.
BIdeOtik. Focussing on other audiovisual narratives is conceived as a bridge where audiovisual creation and the audience can meet with the following purposes:
- Provide visibility for artistic, cultural, and creative audiovisual creation, as a tool for creation, reflection, and cultural and social transformation.
- To encourage the development of the audiovisual sector by creating a space to showcase local and international audiovisual works.
- To incentivise the dissemination and exhibition of contemporary audiovisual creation.
- To promote the use of new linguistic forms of expression through moving images.
- To consolidate Azkuna Zentroa as the place in Bilbao where the various agents participating in the audiovisual chain of creation can interact.
- There is no element of competition between the selected works, but rather the intention is to promote and disseminate different artistic and experimental practices within the video sector.
The artworks selected will be screened during the course of the BIdeOtik. Focussing on other audiovisual narratives programme of events at Azkuna Zentroa-Alhóndiga Bilbao, in accordance with the schedule to be compiled once the Appraisal Committee has given its verdict.
The works will be screened within the context of sessions designed to encourage interaction with audiences that are interested in exchange and dialogue regarding the process of audiovisual creation. As such, those authors whose works are selected will be required to attend in person on the date set for the screening of their work. These sessions will include a colloquium with the live audience, and will be held at the Golem Alhóndiga cinema at Azkuna Zentroa (Annex I. Technical specifications).
The authors of the projects selected will receive the following economic compensation per project, covering the rights to and copying of the artwork, presenting the session, and the subsequent colloquium:
•€100 gross for short films (less than 30 minutes’ duration)
•€200 gross for medium-length films (between 30 and 60 minutes’ duration)
•€300 gross for feature films (over 60 minutes’ duration)
Authors will be required to attend in person on the day of the screening, and as such will receive an allowance for travel, accommodation, and boars, as follows:
•€350 gross where the authors have to travel a distance of more than 500 km.
•€250 gross where the authors have to travel a distance of between 200 and 500 km.
•€150 gross where the authors have to travel a distance of between 100 and 200 km.
•€50 gross where the authors are travelling locally (No more than100km).
1-What we are looking for:
-Works that portray what is real, i.e. non-fiction documentaries.
-Works created with an aesthetic vision and on the basis of contemporary audiovisual practice.
-Works tackling subjects related to personal experiences, biography, trajectories, and life stories, acknowledging the new narratives linked to feminism, diversity, and social awareness.
-Works that are inkeeping with the values, mission, and cultural strategy of Azkuna Zentroa – Alhóndiga Bilbao, contributing to building a society that is more creative, critical, and diverse, with a special emphasis on current output in the Basque language and the feminist perspective in art.
2-Credit will be given for projects created from 2018 onwards.
3-Credit will be given for works premiering in Bilbao.
4-Authors may submit as many works as they like.
5-Institutional or advertising artworks are not allowed.
6-Works in which there is racial discrimination, or that incite violence, or animal cruelty, or domestic abuse, are not allowed.
7-The country of production is immaterial.
8-The technical specifications for artworks submitted in this Call for Entries are as follows:
Resolution: 1920x1080
HD Format
Any digital file, DCP
9-Supply Azkuna Zentroa with the copy to be screened, including subtitles in Spanish and/or Basque, should the film require this.
3. Dates
The Call for Entries is open for submissions from 15 June 2020 to 30 September 2020. The judges’ decision will be notified as from 16 November 2020. Those selected must confirm their acceptance within one week of being notified. The creation / work must be submitted prior to 15 January 2021.
4. Documentation
Projects may be submitted through the Festhome platform, or by sending an e-mail to deialdiak@azkunazentroa.eus, containing the following information:
-Title of the work
-Language of the dialogue (if there is any)
-Name and brief biography of the director(s)
-Country of production
-Date created
-Contact details: contact person, telephone number, website, e-mail address
-Place and date of birth of the author(s)
-Link to view online.
The technical specifications of the entries must also contain the following documentation:
-Three stills (minimum 1200 x 700 pixels) in jpg or png format.
-A photograph of the director(s) (minimum 800 x 600 pixels) in jpg or png format.
5. Selection of the project
Once the Appraisal Committee has selected the project, this fact shall be notified to the selected person, who must confirm acceptance within one week of being notified of the award.
In the event the award is accepted within the time allowed, the selected person must then file the following documentation within 10 business days of the said notice:
-Copy of his/her ID Card (D.N.I.) or passport.
-Signed declaration that he/she is available on the required dates for the presentation and screening of the work.
6. The Committee and its assessment criteria
All projects entered will be assessed by the Appraisal Committee, which shall be composed of the project co-ordinators and the artistic team at Azkuna Zentroa.
The assessment criteria are as follows:
-Technical and artistic quality of the project.
-Originality and creativity of the project presented.
-How well the project addresses the context of the space and the aim of this Call for Entries.
-Contextual relationship with the Azkuna Zentroa project.
7. Azkuna Zentroa reward
The authors of the projects selected will receive the following economic compensation per project, covering the rights to and copying of the artwork, presenting the session, and the subsequent colloquium:
•€100 gross for short films (less than 30 minutes’ duration)
•€200 gross for medium-length films (between 30 and 60 minutes’ duration)
•€300 gross for feature films (over 60 minutes’ duration)
Authors will be required to attend in person on the day of the screening, and as such will receive an allowance for travel, accommodation, and boars, as follows:
•€350 gross where the authors have to travel a distance of more than 500 km.
•€250 gross where the authors have to travel a distance of between 200 and 500 km.
•€150 gross where the authors have to travel a distance of between 100 and 200 km.
•€50 gross where the authors are travelling locally (No more than100km).
Azkuna Zentroa shall pay the said sums by way of a bank transfer, following the submission by the author of the corresponding invoice. Payment shall be made following completion of the screening of the artwork and the subsequent colloquium. In the event that the invoice is issued from a foreign country, an up-to-date certificate of tax residency must be supplied together with the invoice, otherwise Azkuna Zentroa will be required to withhold 24% of the agreed sum.
8. Duties of the author
Those persons whose audiovisual artwork is selected to form part of the BIdeOtik. Focussing on other audiovisual narratives programme must:
-Supply Azkuna Zentroa with the copy to be screened, including subtitles in Spanish and/or Basque, should the film require this.
-Co-operate with the Azkuna Zentroa communications department, providing all documentation necessary for the centre’s press and media requirements (graphic documents, artist’s biography, synopsis of the artwork) to be used by Azkuna Zentroa for the promotion of the programme across all media outlets.
-Comply with the duties listed in this Call for Entries.
-Natural or legal persons entering their audiovisual artwork in this Call for Entries and who are subsequently selected to form part of the BIdeOtik. Focussing on other audiovisual narratives programme, undertake to draw attention to their participation in this programme in their promotional and publicity materials, using the Festival laurel to be supplied by the organization.
9. Intellectual property
The authors of the artworks entered accept responsibility for the originality and authorship of the projects they submit, and warrant that they legitimately hold all intellectual-property rights over them; as such, they guaranty the quiet enjoyment of the said artworks by Azkuna Zentroa and expressly release Azkuna Zentroa from any liability for any losses and/or harm that their failure to uphold this warranty may cause, whether directly or indirectly. The textual, audiovisual, or graphic information associated with the projects selected may be used by Azkuna Zentroa – in full or in part, in isolation or in conjunction with other contents – for the purpose of communicating its activities, but expressly excluding the use thereof for activities of a commercial nature.
As such, the person selected assigns the said rights to Azkuna Zentroa for the maximum term allowed by law, for the entire world, for the publication in paper and digital format of leaflets (including on its website and on social-media profiles administered by Azkuna Zentroa), catalogues, or compilation publications of the activities of Azkuna Zentroa.
The person selected expressly authorizes Azkuna Zentroa to use his/her name in such manner as may be considered appropriate within the purposes of this Call for Entries.
Azkuna Zentroa does not accept responsibility for or endorse the opinions voiced or statements made at this event by the authors forming part of the programme or by anyone else invited to participate in the colloquium.
10. Image rights of the participants
Participants authorize Azkuna Zentroa to use their name, rank, image, and (eventually) voice, as contained in any photographs taken or videos recorded at Azkuna Zentroa’s premises, for subsequent publicity or promotional use. However, any such uses or applications shall be subject to the exceptions and limitations envisaged at Organic Law 1/1982 of 5 May on Civil Protection for the Right to Honour, Personal and Family Privacy, and One’s Own Image where they could infringe Participants’ right to honour. Any other use beyond the scope described above is expressly excluded from this authorization.
11. Data protection
Participants accept that any personal data supplied in connection with this Call for Entries are to be stored in a file owned by Azkuna Zentroa, with its address for these purposes at Plaza Arriquibar 4, 48010 Bilbao, for the purpose of being able to organize and administer this Call for Entries, as well as invoicing and/or documentation purposes. Where participants supply the personal data of third parties with whom they collaborate, they must first obtain the consent of any such third parties for the communication of their data to Azkuna Zentroa for the same purposes.
The rights to view, correct, delete, object, restrict, and data-portability may be exercised by sending an e-mail to the following address: Info@azkunazentroa.eus, stating ‘derechos de acceso’ / ‘access rights’ in the subject line and attaching a letter signed by the owner of the data, providing an address where notices can be served, and a copy of his/her ID Card or other similar ID document.
12. Jurisdiction
In the event of any dispute arising between the parties and where no amicable resolution is possible, said parties agree to be bound by the jurisdiction of the Courts and Appeal Courts of Bilbao, in express waiver of the protection of any other jurisdiction they may be entitled to.
Acceptance of the rules
The mere fact of participating in this Call for Entries is deemed to constitute acceptance by participants of these rules.