Focus on traditional film making, remembering Hollywoodís golden era. With emphasis on story and character driven material and inspired by the growing global demand for good entertainment in the 21st century.
The Apostle Islands International Film Festival (AIIFF) aims to connect filmmakers and talented people. Our core focus is on traditional filmmaking, remembering Hollywoodís golden era. With emphasis on Story and Character driven material and inspired by the growing global demand for good entertainment in the 21st Century.
The Apostle Islands International Film Festival is unlike any other festival youíre going to submit to. While we would like to see the newest films, we also realize that there are a lot of really good films that have been completed in the past. We are also pushing for the Hollywood Golden era style of film, Character and Story Driven films.
Guideline, Rules - Submissions:
The Apostle Islands International Film Festival (AIIFF) is seeking a wide range of films, any genre allowed. Films may be submitted on DVD, (DVD-R, OR DVD (with mpg-2 encoding, playable in regular DVD player)) (2 copies.) OR you may submit films via digital submissions. If Submitting a digital submission, be sure to check the box on the submission form for Submission copy: Digital. As well as provide a link and password for the film.
Entry Categories:
Feature Films: Minimum 70 minutes, not to exceed 180 minutes.
(Drama/Action/Comedy/Horror-Science fiction)
Experimental Films: Minimum 5 minutes, innovative undefined subject matter, not to exceed 180 minutes
Documentary: Minimum 10 minutes to Maximum 50 minutes.
Shorts: All Genres, Minimum 5 minutes, not to exceed 45 minutes.
Physical Entries will not be returned; no refunds, public showings of entries will be limited to selection of entries qualifying for awards, and judged by the board of professional selection of committee members.
Selection and qualification of entries will be completed on or before May 15, 2015 or prior depending upon receipt of entries.
Eligibility Requirements
Any genre of film allowed. Your film must have been completed before January 1, 2015.
Films shown in other festivals, in limited noncommercial exhibition, or at cast/crew screenings are eligible. Programming preference is given to films without significant exposure in Wisconsin theatrical and broadcast markets prior to the Festival.
The Apostle Islands International Film Festival (AIIFF) does not insist upon any premiere status.
Rough cuts may be submitted as long as you are confident that you will have locked and finished your film in time for work with the Festival programming schedule. The more complete your work, the better it can be assessed and appreciated during the selection process. If you are considering submitting a rough cut, you should be confident that it is a fair representation of the final quality of your work. Decisions will be made on the version you submit; generally, later submissions of different cuts are not considered.
Please list directly on the DVD case (tape a note to the case, or some other equivalent method) which elements of your film are missing.
You can submit more than one film, as long as each work meets the applicable criteria. Each film must be on a separate DVD. Multiple entries can be mailed together in the same envelope.
Submissions in all categories must be received by the end of the day on May 1, 2015. Absolutely no late submissions will be considered after this date.
The Festival will not consider:
Commercials or advertisements. Industrial, medical, or institutional films. Video games. Stand-alone trailers. Films with prior substantial theatrical exhibition, commercial TV broadcast or webcast, or commercial video distribution in the Wisconsin market.
The AIIFF reserves the right to determine eligibility of any work submitted.
All films submitted must have a completion date before January 1, 2015.
Work that will not be completed in time for the Festival:
The Festival does not include ìworks in progress in its final program.
One person should be designated as the contact for each entry. The Festival handles hundreds of submissions and can only successfully work with one contact per film. The contact need not be the director, but should be authorized to submit the work, supply information as described on the entry form, and speak on behalf of the film. All necessary rights and permissions for festival exhibition of each work submitted is the responsibility of the film production.
Terms and Conditions:
1. I have read, understood and complied with all eligibility requirements of the categories for which I would like this film to be considered.
2. To the best of my knowledge, all of the statements in this document are true.
3. This film is not subject to litigation nor is threatened by any litigation.
4. I am duly authorized to submit this film to the Festival and its Competition and understand if accepted, that the Festival holds the right to screen my film for Festival screening and non-commercial promotional purposes and to extract clips from this film for promotional purposes.
5. I understand that the Apostle Islands International Film Festival are not responsible for any type of damage to or loss of the print during screenings, at any other time during the course of the Festival, while the film is in the Festivalís possession or while en route to or from the Festival, and I release the Apostle Islands International Film Festival and from any and all liabilities regarding damage to or loss of the print while en route to/from the Festival or while it is in their possession.
6. Should this film win an award at the Apostle Islands International Film Festival, I am authorized and/or empowered by all parties legally representing this film to name the individual(s) listed on the Award Designation List (to be received upon notice of selection to Festival) to receive any and all award(s). If a film is eligible for an award and no one was designated to accept the award, the award will be deemed forfeit and another award winner will be chosen.
7. In the event the designated party is unable to attend the awards ceremony, I understand that the director and/or producer of the film as listed in the credits of the film shall accept any and all awards in their stead.
8. If selected as a participant in the Festival, television ready media clips of the film must be provided by the date provided on notice of selection.
9. I am aware Festival may provide critics an opportunity to review films prior to the Festival
10. I understand that shipping charges of the screening copy of my film to the Festival are my responsibility and the Festival will not return my film to me.
Short Films
Short Films
31 Dec 14
15 Feb 15
01 May 15
Submissions deadline
01 May 15
Save up
Feature Films
Feature Films
31 Dec 14
15 Feb 15
01 May 15
Submissions deadline
01 May 15
Save up
Documentary Films
Short Films
15 Feb 15
31 Dec 14
01 May 15
Submissions deadline
01 May 15
Save up
Experimental Films
Short and Feature Films
15 Feb 15
31 Dec 14
01 May 14
Submissions deadline
01 May 15
Save up
Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.