Début du Festival: 26 août 2016
Fin du Festival: 20 novembre 2016
The ABP FLY MOVIES 2016 event organized by the Brazilian Association of Paragliding, will take place simultaneously to the 22nd Clinical & Paragliding Brazilian Congress on days 18, 19 and 20 November 2016 in the city of São Pedro - SP and is an open festival both professional and amateur filmmakers.
Films are accepted, animations, documentaries or visual montages whose theme is air sports of the following ways: paragliding, hang gliding, paramotor, trike, paratrayk, parachuting, speedy fly, ballooning, wingsuit, glider, base jump, kite, model airplanes, boomerang, aerobatic airplanes and / or helicopters. Also films will be accepted whose theme is the flight of a bird.
Best Movie Air Adventure: awarded by the Jury of the event. Prizes: Trophy + gifts
Best Movie Aerial Sports: awarded by the Jury of the event. Prizes: Trophy + gifts
Best Advertising Film: awarded by the Jury of the event. Prizes: Trophy + gifts
Best Home Movie: awarded by the Jury of the event. Prizes: Trophy + gifts
Best Cinematography: awarded by the Jury of the event. Prizes: Trophy + gifts
Best Director: awarded by the Jury of the event. Prizes: Trophy + gifts
Best Festival film awarded by the public. Prizes: Trophy + gifts
Art. 1 - The ABP Fly Movies 2016 - International Film Festival of Air Sports, organized by the Brazilian Association of Paragliding simultaneously occur to the 22nd Clinical & Brazilian Paragliding Congress on days 18, 19 and 20 November 2016, in São Pedro - SP and is a festival open to professional and amateur filmmakers.
Art. 2 - films, animations, documentaries or visual montages whose theme is air sports of the following forms will be accepted: paragliding, hang gliding, paramotor, trike, paratrayk, parachuting, speedy fly, ballooning, wingsuit, glider, base jump, kite, model airplanes, boomerang, aerobatic airplanes and / or helicopters. Also films will be accepted whose theme is the flight of a bird.
Art. 3 - The registration of the film will be free;
Art. 4 - Registration can be made until October 20, 2016 is also the deadline for delivery of the film to the event organization.
Art. 5 - The head of the film should access the site Festhome (festhome.com) to make the registration of your movie; then you must register it on the page of our available Festival in www.abp.esp.br/flymovies.php. Files up to 2Gb shipping can also be done by upload on Dropbox or WeTransfer.
Art. 6 - The person signing the film, be it the producer, director, distributor or others, should ensure that he is the owner of all rights that allow the screening of the film.
Art. 7 - The films entered in the competition may not exceed 4 years of existence.
Art. 8 - Foreign films shown in the original version should follow a list of dialogues and a short summary in Portuguese. It is not necessary to be subtitled.
Art. 9 - All shipping charges, customs clearance and insurance are the sole responsibility of the person registering the film and / or competitors.
Art. 10 - The publicity material (photos, trailer and poster) of the submitted film can be used by paraglider Brazilian Association in publicizing the event or movie on the official website of the festival or in any publication in print and / or electronic without any burden.
Art. 11 - The Organizing Committee is not responsible for images and / or third-party music used in the entries, and any and all regard for copyright issues exclusively falling on the director and / or producer of the film.
Art. 12 - The films will be classified in the following categories:
a) Air Adventure: movies or professional productions that portray expeditions, specific trips or adventures flight locations.
b) Aerial Sports: movies or professional productions that portray championships, modes, displays of acrobatics, an athlete, an event, etc. and not specifically a trip or expedition.
c) advertising films or professional productions of advertising a product, athlete, equipment, site, brand, etc.
d) Amateur: productions or films made by individuals, not professional athletes or enthusiasts, unsponsored and whose quality, shape, technical resources and equipment evidence the non-professional production of it.
Art. 13 - All films must not exceed the maximum time of 60 minutes;
Art. 14 - The result of the selection process of the entries will be announced on November 1, 2016 through www.abp.esp.br site and by e-mail the person responsible for registration.
Art. 15 - The Selection Committee, composed of professionals and athletes who have no connection with any of the registered titles, will select the films that will participate in the Competitive Exhibition.
Art. 16 - The criteria to be taken into account in the selection process are:
a) The technical quality and thematic.
b) The adaptability of the production event profile.
Art. 17 - will be excluded immediately:
a) films whose artistic or technical level are deemed insufficient.
b) Films in which collaborated in any way, members of the jury or the ABP board.
c) films whose themes do not suit the festival.
Art. 18 - The Jury will decide in which category are included the films entered in the festival, although the film has been selected in different categories by the Selection Committee. This decision is final.
Art. 19 - Any category can be declared "no competitor" if the jury finds that the competitors do not meet the requirements of the class. This decision is final.
Art. 20 - In order to create a film library for the festival, the Paraglider Brazilian Association will keep a copy of the selected films, unless the producer or director did not authorize - in writing - to do so.
Art. 21 - The Selection Committee, in addition to choosing the films that will participate in the Competitive Exhibition, will have full autonomy to declassify those films that do not meet the requirements of this Regulation.
Art. 22 - a jury made up of five judges will be formed for the award of the films entered in the Competitive Exhibition.
Art. 23 - The jury will be made up of directors, producers, athletes, critics, journalists, photographers and other professionals who have no connection with any of the selected films.
Art. 24 - The schedule and order of presentation of the festival's films, as well as the invited films will be defined and will follow the schedule and provision established by the Organizing Committee. The organization of the Festival reserves the right, during the awards show pictures or excerpts from films.
Art. 25 - The Competitive Exhibition ABP Fly Movies 2016 will distribute the following prizes:
Best Movie Air Adventure: awarded by the Jury of the event. Prizes: Trophy + gifts
Best Movie Aerial Sports: awarded by the Jury of the event. Prizes: Trophy + gifts
Best Advertising Film: awarded by the Jury of the event. Prizes: Trophy + gifts
Best Home Movie: awarded by the Jury of the event. Prizes: Trophy + gifts
Best Cinematography: awarded by the Jury of the event. Prizes: Trophy + gifts
Best Director: awarded by the Jury of the event. Prizes: Trophy + gifts
Best Festival film awarded by the public. Prizes: Trophy + gifts
Art. 26 - The awards will take place on Saturday, November 19, 2016 from 22:00 at Cine Teatro São Pedro, the venue.
Art. 27 - The organization may invite at least two members of staff director to attend the screening and participate in the awards event.
Art. 28 - For the cases provided for in Article 23 of this Regulation shall be borne by their respective representatives (director and / or producer) costs related to travel and lodging for the festival site.
Art. 29 - The Brazilian Association of Paragliding can change, reduce or increase the enrollment forms provided for in this Regulation, provided that it meet the program schedule of needs, and shall only appropriate disclosure through e-mail, 30 ( thirty) days before the event.
Art. 30 - More information can be requested via e-mail: faleconosco@abp.esp.br
Art. 31 - Omissions these Regulations shall be resolved by the organization of the ABP Fly Movies 2016 - International Film Festival of Air Sports.
Art. 32 - The person responsible for production and / or description of the film at the event states that grants the use of image rights and display of it and relieve the Brazilian Association of Paragliding any burden or responsibility for the use and display of the same.
Art. 33 - The film's description implies acceptance of all the terms and conditions set forth in this Regulation.
Air Adventure
Court et Long-métrages >1' 60'<
Pas de Frais
Date limite d’inscriptions
20 oct. 16
Films and professional productions dealing expeditions, trips and adventures specific flight sites.
Air Sports
Court et Long-métrages >1' 60'<
Pas de Frais
Date limite d’inscriptions
20 oct. 16
Films and professional productions dealing championships, modes, displays of acrobatics, an athlete, an event, etc. and not specifically a trip or expedition.
Court et Long-métrages
Pas de Frais
Date limite d’inscriptions
20 oct. 16
Publicity films and professional productions of advertising a product, athlete, equipment, site, brand, etc.
Court et Long-métrages >1' 60'<
Pas de Frais
Date limite d’inscriptions
20 oct. 16
Productions or films made by individuals, not professional athletes or enthusiasts, unsponsored and whose quality, shape, technical resources and equipment evidence the non-professional production of it.
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