Festival start: 14 March 2025
Festival end: 23 March 2025
ASSERTING WOMEN'S RIGHTS is a project that has emerged from Festival de Málaga, Mabel Lozano (documentary filmmaker and collaborator of the Festival), and the Equal Opportunities Area of Malaga City Council as a protest tool. This section is created with the aim of exploring and dealing with issues that contribute to social awareness of women's rights each year.
This section of Festival de Málaga was born in 2008, this being its 18th edition. The project is conceived with a double purpose: to inform about the injustices that women still suffer in this century for the mere fact of being women, and to encourage and support the cinematographic work created by women.
Silver Biznaga Affirming Women's Rights
Silver Biznaga Special Jury Prize Affirming Women's Rights
Silver Biznaga Audience Award Affirming Women's Rights
During the celebration of the Gala Affirming the Rights of Women, Muestra de cine Mujeres en Escena Awards will be held, developed October and November 2024, organized by Malaga Festival in collaboration with the Área de Igualdad de Oportunidades del Ayuntamiento de Málaga.
Biznaga de Plata Mujeres en Escena" a la Mejor Ficción.
Biznaga de Plata Mujeres en Escena" al Mejor Documental.
Biznaga de Plata Premio del Público Mujeres en Escena.
Biznaga de Plata Málaga. Mujeres en Escena.
The organization reserves the right to incorporate into the Festival archive a copy of the winning works for cultural, non-profit uses.
C/ Concejal Muñoz Cerván, 3. Módulo 3, 2ª Planta.
29003 - Málaga (España)
Telf.: 951 926006
E-mail: cine.areaigualdad@malaga.eu
Malaga Festival aims to disseminate and promote Spanish cinematography and its entire cultural sphere. In that sense, the Festival is also a platform for Ibero-American cinematography. Among its functions stands out that of hosting the meeting of the various professional sectors of cinema in Spanish (understood as such the cinema produced in Spain and throughout the Ibero-American territory, including Portugal), promoting both its development and its international commercialization.
To fulfill these objectives, the Malaga Festival will celebrate its 28th Edition from March 14 to 23, 2025.
AFFIRMING THE RIGHTS OF WOMEN is a project that arises from the hand of Festival de Málaga, Mabel Lozano (documentarian and collaborator of the Festival), and the Equal Opportunities Area of the Málaga City Council as a protest tool. This space is created in order to explore and discuss each year topics that contribute to social awareness of women's rights.
This section of the Malaga Festival was born in 2008, this being its 18th edition. The project is conceived with a double purpose: to inform about the injustices that women continue to suffer in this century for the mere fact of being women, and to promote and support cinematographic work created by women.
In Affirming Women's Rights we have been able to make visible the realities of women in different countries around the world and see how, even today, there are numerous places where the fight for life is a daily objective for many women and girls. Where traditions and cultural patterns prevent the personal and social realization of equal rights for girls and women with respect to their male counterparts, etc.
The works in competition within the Affirming Women's Rights section must meet the following requirements:
Feature films of a minimum of 50 minutes produced in Spain and throughout the Ibero-American territory after January 1, 2024, that have not been commercially released in theaters, video, television, audiovisual events in Spain or VOD platforms (video under demand).
Medium-length films and short films produced in Spain and throughout the Ibero-American territory after January 1, 2024, that have not been commercially released in theaters, video, television or VOD (video on demand) platforms.
Those works that reflect the reality of women in situations where there are still obstacles to developing under conditions of equality with men will be valued; or situations of discrimination and vulnerability of human rights towards women and/or girls; innovative experiences of empowerment and fight against social exclusion of women and girls, as well as works that promote and/or reflect progress in equal opportunities between men and women, that make visible the work and achievements of women in different areas that do not are socially recognized or that make visible the contribution to caring for the environment that is being made through Ecofeminism; Works that reflect the contribution of men to the achievement of gender equality, co-responsibility and the reconciliation of personal, work, family life, etc. will also be valued.
It will be valued that in these works, the direction, script and/or production of the audiovisual work has been carried out by women, due to their underrepresentation in the film industry.
To participate in the 18th edition of Affirming Women's Rights, it is mandatory to register and complete the registration form, exclusively through FESTHOME (www.festhome.com), prior to the following dates:
-November 15, 2024
To register correctly, you must first create a profile on FESTHOME, register the film on said platform and finally register it in Affirming the Rights of Women (Festival de Málaga). The mere fact of uploading the film to the FESTHOME platform does not imply that it is registered in the Malaga Festival, Affirming the Rights of Women. For this, compliance with all the requirements indicated above is necessary.
If the information is not completed, the films will be excluded from the selection process.
The invitation to each of the films selected by the selection committee will be strictly confidential between its management and the producers or representatives of the invited film until the Festival decides to officially announce it.
Once the selection of an audiovisual is communicated by the Festival and its participation is also confirmed by the production/distributor company that registered it, it cannot be withdrawn, and from that moment said audiovisual will be unable to compete, be exhibited or presented in other venues. Spanish festivals or similar events, before its screening in Malaga.
This last prohibition will not apply to any of the short film categories.
The registration of a film in the 28th Edition of the Malaga Festival implies full acceptance and compliance with these Participation Rules and their possible annexes.
During the duration of the contest, no film entered in any of the sections may be screened for more than a total of 5 screenings, including screenings reserved for the press. In this regard, the production companies will transfer the rights for their public exhibition during the time of the Festival at no cost to the Festival and will be exempt from paying exhibition fees. For any additional screening, the Festival must obtain prior written authorization from the producer or, failing that, from its designated representative.
The signatory of the application for registration of the audiovisual work declares to hold the rights of reproduction, public communication, dissemination and exhibition for its commercial exploitation and peaceful participation in the Málaga Festival, exempting Málaga Procultura from any responsibility derived from falsehood, inconcretion or breach of said obligation, and responding to it for the damages and losses that any of these situations may cause.
Likewise, the signatory of the application expressly declares to have all the licenses, authorizations, and administrative permits in order for the peaceful participation of the audiovisual work in the Festival, observing and committing to observe all administrative formalities that are mandatory in accordance with the regulations. current application.
Málaga Procultura will recognize the signatory of the registration application as the sole interlocutor to negotiate all aspects related to the participation of the audiovisual work in the Festival and as the sole person responsible for other companies or people who may have participated in the production of the film.
The organization reserves the right to incorporate into the Festival archive a copy of the winning audiovisuals for non-profit cultural uses.
All projection copies of the audiovisuals selected in the different sections of the Festival will be presented in the original version, and those whose original language is not Spanish (in whole or in part) must include subtitles in this language.
To promote inclusive cinema, the selected works will be presented in their original version with subtitles also in Spanish, even if the audiovisual is spoken in Spanish.
The audiovisuals selected in all sections must submit the screening copy in DCP format.
Projection copies in Digital Cinema Package (DCP) must comply with DCI regulations, and will remain in the possession of Festival de Málaga until the conclusion of the last screening scheduled within the Festival. Furthermore, the company that has registered the selected film must certify the proper functioning of the copy (audio/video synchronization, color, etc.), testing it before sending it to Malaga. This company will also provide the technical department with the necessary KDMs (with a minimum available window of 48 hours before the pass and 24 hours after it), taking charge of the expenses derived from their generation, as well as the management of new KDMs. (or DKDMs) if necessary.
The Festival reserves the right to not accept copies that, after the necessary technical checks, are not suitable for screening, providing a technical report to the representatives of the film and requesting a new copy.
Those selected must send the copy of the film to the festival before January 31, 2025, choosing one of these methods:
• Physical sending of the DCP along with a digital file that can be used as a backup copy.
The payment of shipping costs (transportation and insurance policy) caused by the shipment from the place of issue of the copy of each audiovisual selected to participate in any of the sections of the Festival to its copy warehouse, will be the responsibility of the producing companies. In the case of participating films, the production companies must deliver the screening copies to the Festival before January 31, 2025, and must notify the Organization of the date of issue of the copy and the means of transportation used.
All copies of participating audiovisuals must indicate the information for their return. These refunds will be made within a maximum period of fifteen days from the end date of the Festival. The payment of transportation costs caused by this return will be the responsibility of the Festival.
The insurance contracted by the Festival covers the risks of fire, loss, theft, damage and destruction of the copy for the period between its arrival at the Festival and its return to the indicated return address. The maximum period to make any claim regarding a copy will be three months from the date of return.
• Digital sending of the DCP to an FTP enabled for such use by the Festival. In this case, the DCP must be hosted uncompressed, not accepting ZIP or RAR files, before January 31, 2025. In addition to the DCP, a digital file must also be hosted as a backup, in H264, which does not exceed 50 GB and with subtitles (SRT) in English and Spanish and with a minimum resolution in full HD.
The Organization will destroy these files when editing is completed.
Once this sending method has been communicated to the Copy Management department (always before January 31), the FTP access data will be provided.
If you wish to have a technical viewing in the room during the festival, this can be requested before February 17 through the email address: gestiondecopias@malagaprocultura.com After this date, technical viewings cannot be requested.
The jury of the Affirming Women's Rights section will be made up of: the Equal Opportunities Area of the Malaga City Council; the Women's Institute; the director Mabel Lozano; the magazine Mujer Hoy and Festival de Málaga, whose decisions will be final and must not be justified. This jury may undergo some changes. People with interests in the production, distribution or any other type of exploitation or participation with the films selected for competition cannot be part of the jury.
The jury may award, along with the official awards, up to 2 special mentions.
The jury may award a maximum of two prizes ex aequo.
Prizes in all categories cannot be declared void.
The jury undertakes not to publicly express their considerations regarding the selection of films for which they have to issue their rulings.
The Malaga Festival Management may be present, with voice but without vote, in the deliberations and communications of the jury.
The mere participation in the Málaga Festival in each of its sections will allow the production/distributing companies to insert the logo of the Festival and Affirming the Rights of Women in the header of the audiovisuals, with the indication '28 Edition'. Said logo and legend may also be included in all insertions in the written press, as well as this participation may be expressly mentioned in the different audiovisual media in which advertising of the film is included prior to the Festival or during its celebration. For the correct insertion of the logo, which in no case can be altered or adapted, you can consult the Festival's style manual at www.festivaldemalaga.com or in case of doubt, contact the organization.
Once an audiovisual is confirmed to participate in the festival, an exclusive online form will be sent for each film that must be completed with the content needed for its programming.
The documentation requested by the festival for the official catalogue, programming guide and website (synopsis, biofilmography, artistic and technical sheet, photographs of the director and the film, trailers and other audiovisual materials) will be taken from this form, which must be completed no later than January 31st.
The Festival Press Department will contact the respective production and/or distribution companies of the selected films in order to supervise and coordinate the materials included in the selection form, and to which the media and those accredited will have access through the “Press Room” of the Web.
The production and/or distribution companies of the selected feature films, documentaries and short films authorize, by accepting their participation, the use of one or more fragments of their title for dissemination as informative material in any media.
These participation bases may be complemented or modified by the Festival Management with any other annexes it deems appropriate, prior to the start date of the 28th Edition of the Malaga Festival and after prior communication to the interested parties.
Their interpretation will be the exclusive responsibility of the Festival Management.
C/ Concejal Muñoz Cerván, 3. Módulo 3, 2ª Planta.
29003 - Málaga (España)
Telf.: 951 926006
E-mail: cine.areaigualdad@malaga.eu