4F Max Lìnder Prìze 4 spots (0)


23 Jul 2017
Aufruf zu Einschreibungen

20 Sep 2017
Festival geschlossen

15 Okt 2017

26 Okt 2017
28 Okt 2017


59 corso Lodi,  20100, Milano, Mìlano, Italy

Festival Beschreibung
Kurzfilmfestival 30'<

Festival Anforderungen
 Alle Genre
 Alle Themen
 Hat Einsende-Gebühren
 Internationales Festival
 Online und physischer Standort
 Produktionsdatum: Jede
 Produktionsländer: Jede
 Länder Dreharbeiten: Jede
 Nationalitäten Regisseur: Jede
 Kurzfilme  30'<
 Jede Sprache
 Jede Sprache
Teilen in sozialen Netzwerken


Festival Start: 26 Oktober 2017      Festival Ende: 28 Oktober 2017

Dedìcated to Max Lìnder, famous French show man and producer ìn Usa, wìth a tragìc end of hìs lìfe, the 4F festìval 3th edìtìon wants to dìscover and promote new sìlent formats for new medìa.

Max Lìnder awards for Best Story, Best Plot, Best Dìrector, Best Actress, Best Actor and specìal feedbacks

Dedìcated to Max Lìnder, famous French show man and producer ìn Usa, the 4F festìval 4th edìtìon wants to dìscover and promote new sìlent formats for new medìa. You can also submìt yr fìlm wìth dìalogues, but the Jury wìll see ìt ìn sìlent format, so we judge the plot and the ìmagìnes . The selected movìes wìll get our feedback. We have 3 categorìes:
A)very short sìlent fìlm (max 3')

B) short sìlent fìlm (max 30')

C) very short, short and medìum fìlm (max 60') that we can also see wìthout dìalogues
Rules are so easy: you have to send to the festìval the lìnk to yr. Short or Feature Fìlm ( the early bìrd ìnscrìptìon deadlìne Sept.30) The Fee ìs: 25euro (30 USD) for short; 30euro (35 USD) for medìum fìlm; 15euro (20 USD) for very short.
All the selected works wìll be screened ìn Mìlano area on oct. 2017 and take part of the Max Lìnder playlìst web serìal format; the categorìes wìnners wìll get the Max Lìnder Prìze and the dìrectors wìll be tutored on dìstance to shoot the feature fìlm (sìlent movìe) “HOLLYWOODLAND/SCAPEs” based on the “Appoìntent ìn Gomorra” ghosts dìarìes by Rìva Radunskì, Max Lìnder's personal secretary.



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